Thursday, May 16, 2013

37 Weeks

We are officially full term! This means if you were born today, you would not be considered premature. We had an exam and ultrasound this week, and the doctor said they have a "baby happiness" rating chart and you are a VERY HAPPY baby! They checked to see if I am dilated  and not very much (only about 1 centimeter) --so you probably won't be coming this week, but you should be here within the next TWO WEEKS!!  In the ultrasound, they concluded you are 6lbs 8oz and you have plenty of amniotic fluid. We also monitored the nutrient/blood supply going to you from the umbilical cord, and you are getting plenty of nutrients! You gave us a military solute in the ultrasound too, we thought it was pretty cute!

Here is an ultrasound picture: (you are looking right at us!)

This week was also my first "soon to be" Mother's Day! Daddy made us breakfast in bed and surprised me with beautiful roses.  Grand Marmee and  Grand Jimmy sent me some ortho flip flops! for my swollen feet ;)

We did our hospital tour this weekend at Northside Forsyth, it is such a beautiful hospital! We got to see a delivery room, the post partum room and so much more. They gave us an idea of what to expect if labor goes from natural to C-section and gave us an idea of what to expect if we need to go to the NICU. It was a very nice tour, and your daddy and I feel very prepared! Here we are after the tour exploring the women's center:

We also have our labor and postpartum "go bags" packed and ready to go!

Fynn has been a very loving doggie this week, we think he knows something is up! Here are you and Fynn taking a nap together:

Daddy and I are getting so excited to see your precious little face and meet you in person. We keep getting bigger, and moving around is becoming more difficult for Mommy ... just within the last two days I have noticed a big change in my belly size!


Craving this Week: Fruit with String Cheese! (especially watermelon, grapes, and pineapple) 

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