Sunday, February 24, 2013

25 Weeks

Sammy! We are 25 weeks, only three weeks left in the second trimester! You are the size of a large head of cauliflower. This week we have been working on the details of a new house we are hoping to close on. Your daddy had the inspection, and we are strolling right along with all of the hoops we have to jump through in this crazy process. Hopefully by the end of March, we will have a new home for YOU! Here is a picture of the house:

We have also started doing prenatal yoga everyday, and it is really helping my body get ready for delivery. Fynn gets a bit confused when I am lying on my yoga mat in strange positions, but it is really helping my flexibility -- and we are feeling great! You are still kicking up a storm, but your daddy has only felt a couple of kicks to the belly. We think you get shy when he talks to you and waits for you to kick his hand!

 Look at us -- we just keep growing:


Crazy Cravings this Week: Almonds! (Salt and Vinegar, Toffee Covered and Chocolate Roche Almonds from Daddy!)

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