Sunday, March 31, 2013

30 Weeks

30 Weeks -- only seven left until we are FULL TERM! We had an appointment this week, and your heart is beating at 140 bpm. You have also already started getting in the birthing position, so you are head down! The doctors all say you seem to be a very active and happy baby. Your kicks are getting more powerful too -- this week as your daddy read us a chapter of Paddington Bear, you kicked him in the jaw! :D

This week we have been working hard getting all moved into our new house. Your daddy has been amazing -- he is fixing everything! He is actually working on the stove and hooking up our new dishwasher as I type this.

Your daddy is also getting ready to start his new job on Monday! It is Easter weekend so we will have a nice holiday before he embarks on a new chapter in his career.

We also celebrated Lexi's bridal shower this weekend -- here are some pics from the shower:

So many wonderful things are happening, and we are getting soooo excited to finally meet you!

We are in the home stretch now!



Cravings this week: Blueberries, Strawberries, and Maple Quaker Oatmeal Square Cereal

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