Sunday, October 28, 2012

7 Weeks

Hi, Sweet Pea! You are growing! This week the baby website says you are the size of a blueberry! Your daddy and I have been preparing for the first trip to the doctor, and I have been diligently taking our prenatal vitamins so you are growing strong. This week has been about adjusting to our work schedules with increased sleepiness and middle of the night wake-ups! I am also starting to notice a little tiny bump in my tummy!

I haven't had any morning sickness, but I have been experiencing nausea throughout the day. We are getting so excited to meet you, and we are planning on how we are going to tell everyone we are expecting you!

Another HUGE and very HAPPY surprise came this week! Your daddy proposed to me! He took me to a very wonderful Dinner at Ray's Killer Creek and then we mysteriously pulled into a pumpkin patch after dinner. Your mommy LOVES Halloween! I was very excited to pick out pumpkins to carve, and we walked to the back of the pumpkin patch where there were four carved pumpkins:

Once I saw this (which is our special way of saying "I love you") I turned around and your daddy was on his knee and asked me to be his wife. I said YES! and we kissed and everyone in the pumpkin patch cheered! It was fantastic. We have to give a VERY big thank you to your Auntie Kristen for carving and bringing the pumpkins to the patch early to get set-up!!

Here is a picture of the big event:


This weeks crazy cravings: Frosty from Wendy's with french fries, strawberry applesauce, and Inari

1 comment:

  1. I went back in "blog time" to see the bump progression and re-read this made me cry!! What a special day :) I was so excited when Jeremy told me his plans! The blessings of the past few months couldn't happen to two better people. I love you guys!
